Video streaming website on basic site plan

A client of mine wants a live streaming website for his company. Im wondering if I might run into any issues hosting his site on a basic or CMS site plan or if anyone knows of a better option for hosting a site that will just have a title, vimeo live stream imbed code, a live chat code (also imbed code from vimeo), a CMS with speakers names, their info and picture. all of which will need to be updated and easy to change periodically for each live stream.

My potential concerns:
how many site visitors can a basic or CMS plan have at the same time?
how easy would it be to build the site, update the site for each live stream (change title, embed codes and CMS) while hosting on a different platform?
The vimeo embed says the video cannot be played, will this change once the site is live?
Im also curious if any potential issues come to mind. Thanks for your help.

Here is my site Read-Only:
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

In order to create a live streaming website, there are things you should know. Read this article to learn them: Full Guide on How to Create a Live Streaming Website in 2022