Validation errors using Vimkit to connect Webflow form to Hubspot

Paging @elijah in case you’re still active here. I’m using Vimkit to connect a form on my webflow site to Hubspot. I’ve quadruple checked that all the names and custom attributes and scripts are correct. When I test my form, I consistently get a validation error that a required field isn’t filled out, even though it is (it’s always one of two fields). Help! I’d hate to have to go back to embedding a vanilla hubspot form on my site.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much,


Hi @ej_baker,

I was able to submit a form via your site by changing the name field in the inputs to match what was expected.

It appears that the trailing underscore is being left off in the name attribute, for example:

is_there_anything_else_that_is_drawing_you_to_the_nearness_ will result in a name of is_there_anything_else_that_is_drawing_you_to_the_nearness, leaving off the last underscore.

Would you be able to try removing the last underscores in your field names within Hubspot? This should hopefully fix the majority of the issues with the submissions.

There may be another few issues - for example of question 8 the field has n9__ at the beginning of the field name.

If you’re still having issues after trying this, please let me know and I’ll dig deeper into this issue for you!

Hi I have similar issues, and wonder if you can help. I have a number of forms on my Webflow website - subscribe form (from a modal and also from a banner appearing on multiple pages), a contact form, a visit us form, 3 brochure froms and another multi-step form, which is a bit more complex (Let's Chat). You will find the rest of the forms scattered in the website with multi-page components, which means for instance that the sunscribe from is on several pages as a duplicate element.

I am getting the first subscribe form to work successfully but once I start adding more forms everything breaks, i.e. my other form submissions stop working even on the actual website once I add the different attribute values to the different froms.

List of all the forms: (home page subscribe modal that appers in 15sec)
About (subscribe to newsletter at the bottom that appears on other pages -same as above form)
Koleliba | Mini Pods (Mini Pods Brochure form - added as a separate form in HubSpot with a different attribute value)
Koleliba | Glamping Pods (Glamping Pods Brochure form - added as a separate form in HubSpot with a different attribute value)
Koleiba | Tiny Houses (Tiny Houses Brochure form - added as a separate form in HubSpot with a different attribute value)
Koleliba | Contact (Visit Us form and Contact us form here - added as a separate form in HubSpot with a different attribute value)
and as mentioned above: the multi-step form here: Let's Chat, which I actually need to do in separate forms as per VimKit tutorial, which I still have no idea how I will integrate in the same list on HubSpot)

Please help, I am desperate to fix this, I’ve been trying for days…

Thanks in advance.