Problems on Webflow mapping forms to Hubspot

Hi guys, I just submited a question for Webflow team but their suppor are not the quickest one, so I decided to literaly copy and past the submition I’ve done to try to get help faster here.


I’ve been successfully integrating Webflow forms with Hubspot by mapping fields directly within Webflow. However, for the past few weeks, I’ve encountered two critical errors:

  1. Incorrect Checkbox Mapping: Webflow is incorrectly recognizing checkbox text as field titles during the mapping process, preventing our forms from working correctly. After extensive research, this appears to be a known Webflow issue reported by other users in both the Webflow and Hubspot communities, with Hubspot officially acknowledging the problem.
  2. Unrecognized Fields: Certain fields in our Webflow forms are not being recognized during the mapping process, even though they exist in Hubspot. This is preventing essential data, such as customer page origins (collected in many of these fields), from being sent to Hubspot. I’ve tried changing field types to match in both tools, but the issue persists.

I’ve attempted the following troubleshooting steps for both issues:

  • Modifying the form in both Webflow and Hubspot
  • Changing field configurations and conducting A/B tests
  • Revoking and reinstalling Hubspot access

Unfortunately, none of these actions have resolved either problem.

I’m reaching out to your support team for urgent assistance in understanding the root cause of these errors and finding a solution.

I’ve attached screenshots illustrating both the checkbox mapping error and the unrecognized field issue. Selected in yellow is the wrong field identification (content as a title inside a checkbox) and selected in pink is the not recognized field in the mapping proccess.

This integration is critical for our business operations, and we appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. Please let me know if you need any additional information.

Thank you!

PS: I can’t include the read-only-link at the moment but I appreciate any help.


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Hi guys, any help here?