Utf-8 to ISO-8859-1 in rss xml

Hi everyone,

I’m currently working on a Webflow project where the RSS file is generated from a collection page. By default, Webflow uses UTF-8 encoding for the RSS feed, but I’ve noticed that some French characters (e.g., Ç ) are not displaying correctly in certain readers or applications.

Is there a way to change the encoding of the RSS file to ISO-8859-1, either directly in Webflow or through an external workaround? I’d appreciate any advice or suggestions for resolving this issue.

Thanks in advance!

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi Filippo, UTF-8 is unicode, so I’d research that more deeply. It could be a reader setting or bug that needs fixed at the client’s end.

There are no simple solutions for what you’re wanting to do…

The only way to change the encoding of Weblfow’s RSS is to reverse proxy the site and re-encode it.

Another option to to create a separate RSS feed externally. You might be able to find a 3rd party solution that reads and modifies RSS feeds, which gives you encoding and filtering options. However the URL would change.