Use External APIs in Hybrid Webflow App

Happy New Year everyone! :wave:,

We’re in the final stages of developing FlowBookings for the Webflow Marketplace. While our app functions perfectly in both local development and workspace-published environments, we received feedback during the submission review regarding our use of the fetch() API.

We are specifically using fetch() for our hybrid app’s communication with our externally hosted data client. I’d appreciate insights from fellow developers on recommended patterns for handling external API integrations within the Webflow app ecosystem.

Are there specific platform APIs or alternative approaches we should be implementing?

Thanks in advance for any guidance!

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Thanks for your response, I meant to ask for API integrations inside Webflow Apps. We are building a webflow app.

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No issues using the browser fetch() in Hybrid Apps from the Designer Extension side, as long as there isn’t any malicious or improper calls made, and that they are functional calls to your backend/some other service/etc to take some kind of action.