We would like to ask about your recommendation for developing a
particular solution.
We have the following components within our Platform:
- Backend Core with a REST JSON API, OpenAPI-compatible, exposed
additionally as Swagger, with custom JWT based authentication - Webapp Core, which integrates with our backend API
- Android and iOS apps which use Webapp core underneath
- Other backends which integrate with our backend
- Webflow website
We will need the to perform the following things in Webflow:
- shared login between Webflow and Webapp
- displaying content originating from API in Webflow
- payments (candidate platform is Stripe)
While we do have particular solutions in mind for login and payments
(involving custom runtime JS in Webflow, iframes, postMessage, etc),
as these do not require great Search Engine Optimization, we would
like to hear your feedback specifically on content originating from
What we need to accomplish.
Pages (under fixed URLs) that display content originating from the API
E.g. a page latrace.com/voyages that would consume our API and display
up to date content from the API, in a way that’s optimized for Search
Engines (which likely excludes the runtime JS). -
Pages (under dynamic URLs) that display content and page titles
originating from the API
E.g. a page latrace.com/voyages/{voyageId} which would consume our API
and display up to date content about a particular voyage. Again, the
challenge here is to make it optimized for Search Engines.
It is also important for us that the backend should be
client-agnostic, i.e. the clients should know the details about how to
implement the API, but the API is not aware of the implementation and
presentation details of its multiple clients.
We would love to hear your feedback on the matter.
Thanks so much!!