Hi there! Is there a way to add an upload file button to a form to allow my website visitors to upload PDF’s? The site I am creating requires this feature so would be a shame if I couldn’t do it. Thanks for your help in advance.
Hi @brianmacco, we don’t this as an option in Webflow quite yet. Thanks for the suggestion though! We’re always adding new features and I hope this gets on our priority list soon.
Thanks for the reply @thesergie. Do you know if there is anyway that I can add a ‘upload file’ button using an external programme or software? This is an important feature for the site I am building and if it can’t be done I won’t be able to use Webflow which is a huge shame as I love the software.
@brianmacco you can try to embed something like http://www.uploadthingy.com/ (but it comes with a price).
Did you add the “upload file” button on form options ?
I can’t see it.
Ruby, we don’t have this feature yet. It’s pretty involved - we have to store these files on our servers and give you access to them (currently we don’t have that functionality).
Thanks for your answer.
I really love webflow and it’s amazing what we can do with it.
But there is some simple things not possible :
- transform a picture on a link in one click
- add check box on form
Will you add these fetures ?
transform a picture to a link in one click
We should be adding this soon!
check box on form
We’ll try to get this out in the next two week (EDIT: next month). So hold tight!
That’s great to hear that !
@thesergie any updates on when the upload file button will be ready approx. ?
i need this too
it would be very helpful
Hi @brianmacco - Maybe wufoo.com has this functionality supported?
I’d really like to see some solution for this as well.
From my experience 2/3 clients do have some file they want to upload (vcard, pdf of some sort,…). Explaining to a client they can’t upload a file in webflow makes it sound unnecessarily outdated.
There is a solution with Dropbox, to upload files in your public map!
I am not sure I am addressing the correct function and hosting objectives but if you host off Webflow and are wanting the form user to attach the file to the email and go to the email address in your form handler there is simple html code you can add as an embed. Is that the objective here for at least some of these posts?
If that is the objective:
drag and drop a embed box into the form where you want it to appear
put this code snippet in the embed:
input type=“file” name=“file” id=“attachfile”
note: be sure to enclose the above in < >
use the form settings to add this custom line:
this works well for me on many sites
@webguy Thank you! The use case you cover is close to my needs. I want folks to be able to email in a csv file.
What I’m building is here: http://submit-your-menu.webflow.com/
The form submits and emails me, but the file isn’t attached. I get an email that says,
“Someone just submitted to Email Form from submit-your-menu.webflow.com with the following:
Restaurant Name: Leslie’s Test Restaurant
Email: blahblah@gmail.com
file: C:\fakepath\Item list - 2015-01-29 - Leslie’s Test Restaurant.csv”
I see the \fakepath. Any sense of what I might be doing wrong?
On the surface it looks like you are using Webflows server system and I don’t think they allow files to be uploaded and transferred this way … you may also be in the design mode and not active yet?
The solution I use is for externally hosted sites, ie where you download all your files and then FTP them up onto your own servers like GoDaddy or someone else.
hello @webguy
I tried the codes on my own server and it still is giving me c:/fakepath/…
any idea what went wrong?
anyway the URL is http://geddit.sg/dev/interiordesignsingaporehub/
the “Fakepath” bit most likely is a result of your IE settings …check
Internet Options >> Security >> Correct Zone >> Custom
Level >> down in the Miscellaneous section “include local
directory…” also be sure your java is updated and option turned on
hello @webguy
Using chrome can’t seem to find it. anyway i added an upload.php and set the form to action=“upload.php”
Managed to get the uploaded files to /uploads folder
but now the issue is that, the other information that comes with the form is not being sent to my email.
help pls?