Unable to delete CMS collection webpage

For some reason i am unable to delete one of my CMS collection webpages

Based on some of the posts in the forum, i believe i have deleted all connections from CMS data

As an extra step i have also deleted everything except the body and I’m still unable to delete/ find the button to delete it. Any idea why?

My read only link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/adrians-cool-project-8a59d3?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=adrians-cool-project-8a59d3&preview=b4aab12205a9510138c1db2b83e74de8&pageId=5ed10eb53eeb30517141effc&itemId=5ed10ebd242ddb56f6cf10b1&mode=preview

In order to delete the collection you need to also remove all the collection items within it

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