Hello, this topic has been going around for some time I’ve read many discussions but I haven’t found any that go around transferring the website to the client in the detail which I’m interested in.
Since I understand the freelance plan allows you to create websites with all paid features, you can develop it fully and then the client adds you to his/her workspace and then you’re able after to add the project to their workspace.
I understood this and it is pretty simple, but my questions is that, if the website requires multiple plug ins and features to be used, such as cookies, language translations, etc, and they all required a paid plan to integrate without their promotions, do these transfer as well? Also, should I use the client’s payment information to pay for the plug ins since they are not part of webflow, and if I use it on my free lanc account, will it transfer the rights to access the features also to the client? Or do I have to transfer the website to the client first and ask for their login details, then ask for their payment details to continue adding the paid plug ins on theur account. Because a fully functional website has to comply with gdpr and will require some sort of plug in integrated to the webflow website, so I’m not sure if transferring is a good option if the plug in are not going to be transferred. Even if the plug ins will be transfered, the plug ins will be linked to my account with their payment plan to the third party and this is not good. So how can I develop the website with all plug ins paid by the client and transfer all the rights of the plugs in together with the websites.
The only solution I thought of just creating a paid webflow account for the client that allows multiple plug ins to be implemented, and work from his account everything. In this way the plug ins he will be paying for will be linked to his account and develop the website I can publish it from his workspace directly without transferring, and I know what I will be working on can be actually published.
If I work on my freelance account that allows all features on webflow to be used, the plug ins are separate, and if I use his payment plan for the plug ins and finalize the project, when transferring the website, will he be able to use the plug ins, or will it only work for my account? This means he just paid for my account to use the features, but once transferred he will lose them.
Finally, how can I know which payment plan should I advise the client to go for, can I see which features I’ve used in developing on my freelance account and then I tell him to go for the one that allows everything that I have been working on?
I can answer any questions if I was not clear enough.
Many thanks and looking forward for clarifications!
Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)