The link to draw from project is not showing when trying to link project details in a rich text

Hi All,

The link to draw from project is not showing when trying to link project details in a rich text? Please help…?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hey Matthew!

Are you sure the CMS field inside projects is a rich text?

Hey man,

Yes I’m sure.

How sure? Because I don’t see a rich text element:

So it is a rich text and I named the class project description but it just doesn’t want to link

Do you have discord? Maybe we can resolve it there together?

So I used this Rich text in the Grid but it dissent give me an option to link to project details?

As seen in this tutorial

Ahhh I figured it out thank you :slight_smile:

Nice! Glad you’ve found it :slight_smile:

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