Team-account can not insert a 'CLONE' + zapier can not look into TEAM-Websites : WHY?

I want to clone projects so students can test ‘CLONE’-projects also in my team as teacher.
@Lindapham can maybe make this possible… It is very necessary for students to be happy with webflow… :smile:

I want to use Zapier like @rileyrichter webflow specialst did, but I’m teacher… so ZAPIER SHOULD NEED TO LOOK TO MY TEAM-websites… So students can use there free website to combine with Zapier to make the project of Ben Parker (alias rileyrichter)
Please look to my printscreen and test it out

so it works to make a copy into my own ‘project’

but not in my team, I can only copy pages form the clone into a -team-website.
But it should be great it should work directly.