Tailored Product Upsell recommendations

Hello forum community! Hoping you can help me with this …

The folks who designed my site for me are no longer involved and I’m trying to make a few changes with your help.

Underneath each product on my site (on the product detail page) there’s a section called “People also liked”. The products that appear in these People also liked sections seems to be randomized and are different depending on the product detail page you’re looking at. I really want the ability to choose which products appear in each of these “People also liked” sections so they are complimentary to the product the person is actually viewing (ie rather than by flag like “Featured”, “Best Seller”, “Sale”, etc. I was told by the designer that built the site that I had no option to determine these recommendations at the individual product level because of ‘Webflow limitations’. Suspect that may not be completely true and if so, how do I make those specific recommendations at the product by product level?

Many thanks in advance for your help.

Here is my site Read-Only:


You can show product from the same category or with the same tag. But as you have only a few products you can also add a field in the collection list with the connected product and the connected url for each product.

until you wil have 20000 products it will work.