SystemFlow β - We need your help!

Hello All :wave:

This is Greg and Matt - we use Webflow day to day in our client’s work and came up with the idea of SystemFlow - we’re on the last straight to launch, but really need your help and feedback.

I’ve recorded a short video on the basics of our Framework:


:thinking: What are your thoughts?
:thinking: How can we improve it before we launch?

Few months ago we’ve came up with an idea for a UI Framework that would help us deliver projects in Webflow much faster. I broke down the process to the tiniest bits and discovered that we spent much time on repeating the same things over and over for each individual project. The painpoints were for example:

  • Wasting time for recreating the structure for each website, with navbar, footer etc.
  • Creating new classess to apply spacing and deal with inconsistent spacing
  • Adding even more classess to color text spans and backgrounds
  • RWD has to be tweaked individually for each project
  • Having to search icons over and over and no easy way to replace them
  • and more…

I did an extensive research and there was no readymade solution. Templates and UI Kits are usually built around certain styling and this determines all the components and layout. This makes them easy to start up with but the more you want to change and restyle the harder it becomes… we’ve all been there.

We were impressed with Tailwind CSS and how they managed to create a clean, low-level framework for developers. This was our aha-moment while thinking of a design framework that would boost our freelance and agency work. Webflow doesn’t come with a framework, rather than empty canvas. Tailwind is an awesome low-level, responsive framework but lacks an easy, visual editor.

We decided to iterate on this idea to create our own framework from scratch. We aimed for it to be more visual and UI designer oriented yet maintaining the level of customisation offered by clean developer solutions. Now, 5 months later (after 400+ hours put in the Framework), we’re using SystemFlow for our client’s work and can’t imagine going back. We feel it’s ready to help more web designers like us, using Webflow.

:page_facing_up: Check out Beta Docs here, with all the SystemFlow Features and Components

Please let us know your thoughts :thinking:

You can sign up for Beta access on

Greg & Matt