I hope someone is able to help. Many thanks in advance.
I purchased the following template (see below) and am very much working out webflow and how everything works as I go, which has been do-able so far, a bit more time consuming than I’d like, however I am stuck on this particular thing, which I’m sure is in fact super simple…
I just want to change the template logo to my own, however with the dark/light switcher, it’s not so simple, I can’t work out how to do this, as I understand I will have to create a black and white svg version.
I have tried to contact the template provider multiple times with no response.
This template comes with zero instructions. I do wonder if I should have stuck with Adobe Portfolio, because the money and work put into webflow, I’m not convinced it’s worth it.
I would be really grateful if someone could help, or point me in the right direction.
Here’s how to add and customize your logo in the navbar:
The logo can be added by uploading it to the Assets panel and dragging it into the Brand Link block in your Navbar. Once placed, you can resize the logo by selecting the Image element and using the corner handles to adjust its dimensions. For proper spacing around your logo, select the Brand Link block and adjust the padding values in the Style panel under Spacing options.
For implementing different logos for dark and light modes, you’ll need to use Webflow’s display settings. Add both logo versions to your navbar, then use the display: none/block properties to toggle visibility based on your site’s color mode settings.
Hopefully this helps! If you still need assistance, please reply here so somebody from the community can help.
In this template the logo is an SVG that is inline, an set to use currentColor. That color is then being changed on darkmode and lightmode.
If you want black/white then you just need to create your SVG logo the same way, make the fill currentColor in the SVG and then replace the existing inline SVG.
Hi Again, I’m really trying to understand this, but the original logo does not appear in the assets, I think from what I can understand (very limited : 0) but it’s embedded, it does not appear as an actual asset…
There’s a lot to explain, if you want to research it, read up on SVG’s and currentColor, and how that works.
Your SVG is not in assets, it must be inline in order for currentColor to work.
If you need someone to build this for you DM me and we can chat-
I think the current design is good, but specially preparing your SVG is confusing for some. This could be re-engineered as well so that you have two logos and they switch, rather than one logo that’s using currentColor.
It’s a cool approach though for the dark/light mode the template designer was going for, just difficult to prepare your logo properly.
thanks so much for taking the time to reply, I’ve been poking around on you tube and found this, which has been pretty helpful, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaeN5MsA63s.
I might step away from it for now, I’ve spent the last few days doing this to go live live today, I’m a bit tired of it all! I will come back and revisit it, I may just crack on without a logo. But so I maybe in touch, I’m a total novice, so I’ve been learning the minimum to get by working with the template. I switched from Adobe Portfolio for a bit more of a modern feel. It has been fun and interesting, but I was a bit disappointed that Elemis are not supporting their templates. They are supposed to have a 2-day turnaround on support, I’ve had nada after a week of emailing.
Anyway thank you Michael, really appreciate your help, and the webflow person above. Have a good one : )