Help inverting colour of an SVG logo when Dark Mode is enabled

Hi there.

I’m looking for some assistance making the upper left hand logo turn white like the rest of the site when i invert the colours using the dot in the top right corner.

My website is

Appreciate any help.


Welcome to the forum Jamie!

You can embed the svg and set the fill to fill="currentColor" this means in will inherit the font color it’s given. This way you can easily change it! Here is an embed example:

<svg width="16" height="12" viewBox="0 0 16 12" fill="currentColor" xmlns="">
<path d="M11.7701 3.26667C11.7701 3.26667 10.4828 7.37333 10.3908 7.74666C10.3908 7.37333 9.37931 0 9.37931 0C7.17241 0 5.97701 1.58667 5.42529 3.26667C5.42529 3.26667 3.86207 7.37333 3.77012 7.74666C3.67816 7.46666 3.49425 3.36 3.49425 3.36C3.31034 1.30667 1.47126 0 0 0L1.83908 11.2C4.13793 11.2 5.42529 9.61333 6.06897 7.93333C6.06897 7.93333 7.44828 4.29333 7.54023 4.10667C7.54023 4.29333 8.55172 11.2 8.55172 11.2C10.8506 11.2 12.1379 9.70666 12.7816 8.12L16 0C13.6092 0 12.4138 1.58667 11.7701 3.26667Z" fill="currentColor"/>

Hi Rory,

Appreciate the help here. Unfortunately im a novice and not sure how to apply your suggestion to my website.

Are you able to help by using the link? - Webflow - Everall Design | Multidisciplinary Design Studio in London, UK.


Sure, no problem!

  1. Replace the logo with an embed element

  2. Place this piece of code inside it:
    <svg xmlns="" id="Layer_2" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:currentColor}</style></defs><g id="Layer_1-2"><path d="M709.48 376.7c28.69-28.69 26.58-58.61.53-84.65-25.88-25.88-54.75-26.59-83.26 1.93l-16.03 16.01 82.73 82.73 16.03-16.01ZM693.79 607.6l-82.73 82.73 16.01 16.03c28.52 28.5 57.39 27.8 83.25 1.93 26.06-26.05 28.18-55.96-.53-84.65l-16.01-16.03Z" class="cls-1"/><path d="M500 0C223.86 0 0 223.86 0 500s223.86 500 500 500 500-223.86 500-500S776.14 0 500 0ZM359.67 772.37 236.46 649.15l88.01-88.01 19.88 19.9-64.24 64.24 29.75 29.75 59.5-59.49 19.71 19.71-59.49 59.49 33.97 33.97 65.47-65.47 19.9 19.88-89.25 89.25Zm69.35-435.61-65.47-65.47-33.97 33.97 59.49 59.49-19.71 19.71-59.5-59.49-29.75 29.75 64.24 64.24-19.88 19.9-88.01-88.01 123.21-123.21 89.25 89.24-19.9 19.88Zm73.74 197.81c-19.09 0-34.56-15.47-34.56-34.56s15.47-34.56 34.56-34.56 34.56 15.47 34.56 34.56-15.47 34.56-34.56 34.56ZM609.14 271.1c39.42-39.42 84.65-45.23 125.85-4.05 39.59 39.61 36.42 88.19-2.83 127.44l-42.59 42.59-123.21-123.21 42.78-42.78Zm126.19 462.18c-41.19 41.19-86.42 35.38-125.86-4.04l-42.76-42.78 123.21-123.21 42.59 42.59c39.25 39.25 42.42 87.84 2.83 127.43Z" class="cls-1"/></g></svg>

  3. Set the font color of the embed to “#0a0a0a”. This will make it the color it should be.

  4. Animate the text color of the logo to the color white.

  5. Do the same as step for but in reverse for the second click.

And voilà. You now have a color switching logo!

Hi - Thank you so much for this detailed response, I really appreciate you taking the time to break it down.

  1. After I add the embed code and the embedded logo appears - it disappears again when I delete the previous logo.

  2. I also need the logo to push back to the Home page.

Would you be able to upload a Loom video or similar showing your process for making this work as I’m stumped!

Thank you again for your patience.


No worries, I noticed you missed the currentColor fill inside the svg logo. Also, I forgot to mention that you have to give the HTML embed a width and height.

It’s kind of a messy Loom video, but you’ll get the point. Let me know if it works!

Thanks that makes a lot of sense and has almost worked. The only issue I have now is that “HTML Embed” isnt appearing in the list of elements in the dropdown inside the colour button animations.

Nevermind! Perseverance wins. The video was a little skippy and was difficult to make out a step which i was missing. User error.

That has worked perfectly. Thank you so much for your help with this. Very grateful.


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No worries! Glad it works :slight_smile: