Site logo not loading properly in Safari or Firefox

Hi all,
My site is performing unreliably with Safari and Firefox, but fine in Chrome.
Does anyone else have this problem?

Sometimes it won’t load, or load a plain text only version.

The logo in the firefox version isn’t showing correctly either, the spacing on the font is all off. Am attaching screenshot of logo on Firefox and logo on Chrome so you can see the difference.

Any help appreciated, thanks :slight_smile:


@doyourthing I was just taking a look through your site and noticed that the images are very large (the main one is 1.2MB in the hero slider) when the recommended size is usually 250kb or under per an image.

There are many resources out there which you can use to resize your images other than image optimizing/editing tools like Photoshop or Lightroom.

Here are a few free image optimizing tools:

The site was rendering the same for me in all browsers on this end. I did see that the text in the SVG logo wasn’t rendering the same because the SVG is trying to load a web font which is not present.

A fix for this would be to create outlines of the text (video tutorial on creating outlines, written tutorial on creating outlines from text) of the “Partnership” text in the logo using a vector editing tool like Adobe Illustrator. This will prevent logo fonts from rendering oddly due to specific fonts not loading.

I highly recommend enabling SSL Hosting and configuring your DNS settings as well for added security.

I hope that this is helpful :bowing_man: I’m moving this issue form the Bugs category to the Design help category as the issues can be resolved with a few design updates.

Thanks @Waldo for the tips, much appreciated : )

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