I am having trouble making related posts show up on my individual blog page. I’ve read all previous forum posts on this, watched the university videos, and instructional videos on youtube - still no luck, not sure what I am doing wrong.
I have two collections: 1) with all my blog posts in it, and 2) with my categories in it. Within the blog posts collection, I have added a single reference for “Category” that links to the second collection.
When I go to create a the new collection list at the bottom of the individual blog page, I link it to the “Blog Posts” category. However, when I go to filter the posts that appear in this section to match the category of the current post, no option exists within the filtering for the category itself.
Well thankfully this is an expected behavior on MacOS (as they hide scrollbars until interaction) however for situations like this it may cause confusion. Either way, good to hear you got it situated