Show each language to the selected language

Hi all,

I have a menu for a client that it is in greek and english. I want each description to show up in the correct page. English description to the english page and greek to the greek page. As you can see in the link here Georgina's Spectacular Site , both descriptions show in both languages.

Can i have some help on this one.


Here is my public share link: [LINK][1]
([how to access public share link][2])

Hey Constantinos,

If you wait a month, Webflow’s localization feature will be released to all users and will allow you to translate your site. I expect that will be better in a number of ways, for one the language detection and switcher, and for another, the built in ability to translate CMS content.

If you can’t wait, or don’t want to pay the added fees, your approach can be made to work.

However to be honest, your CMS setup looks incredibly overcomplicated for what it looks like you’re trying to achieve. I’d probably have one collection for all menu items, with separate fields for your English and Greek translations.

Then, two static pages, one for each language, which have your groupings and collection lists ( one per group ). Then just use the fields you want for that translation.

If you need the groups to be dynamic, that’s a bit of a pain, Webflow doesn’t support that particularly well. I’d probably have a groups table again with both translations in separate fields, link each menu item to a group, and then emit the groups into a separate collection list. Finsweet’s CMS Nest could be used to combine them neatly.

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