Setting a fixed desktop breakpoint view in designer

When in the designer I can select different breakpoints and the view snaps to 768px for tablet, 320px for mobile etc.

However when I select Desktop the view snaps to whatever the width of the browser window is.

How do I get it to snap to a maximum of 1024px (or whatever) when my browser window is larger than 1024? So I’d then see gaps around the view with the editing panels to the left and right.

I’m sure it used to do this - I’m using it for the first time since the latest UI changes.

Hope this makes sense.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Here’s a video showing me changing the size of the desktop view to a width I want, switching to tablet view and then switching back to desktop view.

When switching back it defaults to fill 100% of the space. Can we change this behaviour?

You can create a 1280px breakpoint, and the desktop view will then default to 1279px.

If you click through the breakpoints you can see that each defaults to a “most commonly used” representation of that breakpoint. For smaller breakpoints it’s usually mid-range, e.g. Mobile portrait range is 0-478px, but the default setting in the designer is 320px.

For desktop and larger breakpoints, it appears to default to the top of the range. That seems more reasonable to me, not many people would view desktop at 991px.

But if you don’t have any larger breakpoints, I agree, “largest view possible” seems unreasonable as well. I expect Webflow will adjust those defaults now that analyze data is being captured directly on Webflow sites, especially if it’s sampling viewport sizes.