What is the Default desktop breakpoint size?

I’ve got 1600px set as my base desktop breakpoint size but not sure if I’ve accidentally set that so just wondered what the default width should be please? Thank you.

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Changes with time. You should look up most common or average browser resolution/dimensions used within your audience. For me, targeting a Western audience, I use a base between 1000px and 1200px.

1600px is kind of wide. A lot of laptops in the West have a max horizontal resolution of 1280px or 1440px wide. Throwing 1600px wide at them will force them to scroll horizontally. You don’t want that

Thanks @Ozone . I’m confused though because when I click the base desktop icon at the top it opens up a reset dialog. When I click that it resets to 1624 from the 1600px I had it set on. See screenshot…

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