Sending the Form Data Outside of Webflow

I need to integrate a form on a website for a client, but I need to form data to be going somewhere else (other than webflow). I am not freelancing full time with Webflow and will be cancelling a pro plan after I export the code for this one client. What should I do? I thought about embedding Mailchimp’s form into the website using custom code–or should I just tell the client that they need to find someone with Mailchimp or PHP experience to manage the data?

These duplicate thread(s) may already have a solution for you:

Form submissions not received for exported site - #2 by cyberdave
Form submissions not received for exported site - #4 by cyberdave
Custom form on exported website
Form to point at my own mailserver - #6 by cyberdave

Please try to search the forum before asking a question. Thank you!

Next steps:

  • If the answers from the duplicate(s) don’t fully address your question, please edit your question to tell us why.
  • If you have tried one of the above but have difficulty implementing the solution, please describe in detail what you have already tried.