Hi y’all!
I’m having some issues with a newsletter form submission.
I’ve set up the form using the basic Webflow components, but since I’m hosting the project somewhere else than on the Webflow servers, the submissions doesn’t work when I upload to my own hosting.
I stumbled upon the thread:
And it says:
If you PUBLISH a website (url is: myproject.webflow.io)
- Webflow is hosting your website for free on a 3rd level domain.
. (io is Level 1 / webflow is Level 2 / myproject is Level 3) - Webflow forms will work.
If you EXPORT a website (url is: myproject.com)
- Your are self-hosting
- Webflow forms will work… as long as your don’t modify the wf-attributes I mentioned above.
The Webflow configurations are the same as above; the Webflow URL and the final URL match, so I can’t figure out where the issue is.
Can someone help?
Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)