Hey Webflow’ers,
I have been creating an info section using a CMS collection. I have placed the collection on multiple pages filtered via fields within the collection. I have placed a search bar at the top of the list in order to be used to search the CMS for information. I have unchecked every page and collection template pages except for the information collection.
The issue I’m having is that even though I have checked the checkbox and followed the instructions above, the results of pages that are checked to be excluded are still showing up in my results.
For the moment I only have dummy content in the collection so when I try searching for the term “question” due to none of the CMS items having that in them should produce no results but instead shows me results from other pages.
Hope that someone can shed some light on this bug/flaw/issue
Cheers in advance,
Page: Septic Systems | Septic Tank Installation, Maintenance, Repairs | Absorption Trench
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