Rich text CMS field inside of CMS links to dynamic pages


Recently, I transfered my clients website to his workspace and encountered an issue in one of the collections.

In the first copy of the website it was possible to create a link inside a rich text field and link it to a dynamic page.

For some reason now, On the transfered website, I cant see the dynamic pages when creating a link inside of the rich text field.

First copy:

New transfered website:

I hope I was clear enough.

Thank you in advance!

Here is my public share link:

Has the transferred site been published yet by chance? It’s possible these links aren’t accessible until the site has been published — but that’s just shooting in the dark.

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Hey thanx for your reply!

Yes it’s already been published and it doesn’t change anything. I tested the same thing on another project and I get the same issue. Is there something we have to do in order to make it work?

I worked on this project a while ago, so I dont remember what Ive done to access the dynamic pages.