My client wants to set up an ecommerce store for heavy sculptures.
He wants to restrict shipping to the state of New South Wales, Australia. For all orders outside this state, he wants to allow customers to request a quote, due to difficulty of delivering the sculptures.
At this time, it is only possible to limit shipping at the country level.
An idea for you would be to setup up a flat shipping method for each state in Australia. It would be up to the customer to select the matching state for their shipping address, but could allow for more accurate shipping rate to be offered.
Hope that helps.
My recommendation to you and anyone else reading this that would like more options on restricting shipping to give this item on the wishlist some votes. This helps us to identify what features are needed most and prioritize their development.
Thanks @matthewpmunger. Regarding your point of setting up a flat shipping method for each state, I gather you are referring to the wishlist proposal? That doesn’t seem to be possible at the moment unless I’m missing something.
My suggestion is what can be accomplished currently. Create an individual shipping method for each state and label it clearly. For example “Shipping to State” where you’ll replace the word state with the name of each state.
To set a price per order use the flat-rate shipping method
To set a price per item use the quantity-based shipping method
Hopefully that makes sense. Also refer to the article on the university that I linked to above.
nope, it does not make sense. I was keen on webflow until i found out that you can not set different delivery price based on a state within the country .
This is a majour oversight. My client is only planning on delivering within one city. But they can only choose the whole country? This is absolutely not acceptable!
@pepperclip is right! I dug deeper and figured out how this can be solved. In my case a client needed to be able to ship to all USA states and prevent shipping from Louisiana, Tennessee, and Georgia. This can be achieved using the Pattern input attribute.
There might be a cleaner or simple way to do this, but this is how I achieved it.
Select the input field that you want to define only certain values being allowed for. In my case it was the field to enter the “State”. Then create a new attribute with a name of “pattern” and then paste the below snippet in as the value. The below snippet contains every US state as well as every US state abbreviation in both uppercase and lowercase — except Georgia, Louisiana, and Tennessee. This way when a user enters their state, as long as it matches one of those it will let the field entry be successful, but anything not on that list will not go through.
Lastly, create one more attribute with a name of “title” and your value can be whatever message you want the user to see when they don’t match one of the correct input values. In my case it was “Enter state abbreviation. We do not ship to Tennessee, Louisiana, or Georgia.”