Responsive slider/images

Hello I am having the same problem I had back in 2015. )Responsive images in sliders)

My images are in a slider and uploaded as background.
Even if I have adjusted the slider size, the images are not responsive…

My website

I tried Try setting the background images to “cover” Make sure the slider has a class assigned to them and set the width of the slider component to width: 100% as suggested years ago, it worked last time but not this time…


Which slider? (You have more than one). Your slider is ok - but the parent (The wrapper) is not 100% width.

Add read-only-link -or- try to remove the wrapper styles (By deafult div is 100% “block level”) + Add screenshot (“not responsive” is general term).


Here’s the link:

The first 2 sliders under section “Art direction & Styling”, I am not sure how to make it responsive

Yes, background images won’t be responsive. You’ll need to add them on their - or - in a div. To get the best functionality, add images on their own without a div.

Thank you!

But the others are background images and they work… So I don’t understand what i did before… i am so confused…

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Okay sure. Which page and section is the background image. I’ll go take a look.

Oh okay, it’s that native slider component, it can be a little buggy sometimes. I added a new one with the same images and it works. Just delete that troubled one and put a new one - BUT - make sure you “Clean up the classes” by deleting the old ones. And don’t use the same class name. That should work :grinning:

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