I am super confused with dealing with responsive images. I read in other post that if we set the image to percentage and not pixels, the images would be responsive… But it didn’t work for me…
My images are in a slider and uploaded as background.
Even if I have adjusted the slider size, the images are not responsive… So what do you need to do? Do I need to crop every image for tablet and mobile? But would that overwrite the original desktop image?
Try setting the background images to “cover” Make sure the slider has a class assigned to them and set the width of the slider component to width: 100%.
If you need additional help please share a public link to your site so that others can view the settings you are using and offer advice.
Hi @sheishelen, thanks for your post and feedback thus far. When you are using the cover option, the image will zoom when the browser viewport is larger than the image being used as a background. When the browser viewport is smaller than the image, the image will get cropped.