Reset Burger Menu issue

Hi all, first-time post, I wanna start by saying I’ve been having a lot of fun with Webflow as am really impressed with it, tutorials are lolz as well.

I know this topic has come up many, many, many times but for some reason, I’m not having any luck for my particular situation, I have a custom nav burger menu that animates into a cross close button (original I know) which I’m happy with but when I click/tap on an anchor/jump to link the close changes back and the nav overlay moves off-screen as it’s designed to yet when I try and open up the menu again it doesn’t listen to the first click/tap…only the second.

I’ve tried the two-button thing but it just didn’t work for me it was screwing up a bit but I’m sure I’m missing something really simple, do any of you beautiful people have a spare few mins to perhaps walk me through it, I’ve shared a read-only preview link below.

Thanks in advance

Here is my public share link:
([how to access public share link][2])

I’ve came up against this issue multiple times, the best solution I’ve been able to find is to use the actual navbar component rather than building a navbar from scratch.

That way when you’re doing your animation you can add the interaction to the navbar itself, then do an animation on “navbar open and close” rather than mouse click for the menu button. That way regardless of where is clicked, if the nav closes then the animation fires.

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Thanks David for getting back to me, I’ve seen that solution elsewhere, I’ll try and give it a go, just was being a little lazy I guess and was hoping for a quick solution but no worries. Thanks again!