So, I have two pages, one is Login, and the other is Signup. I’m using MemberStack to create hidden and gated content. I duplicated the signup page to create the login page. When I did this I crossed some wires during renaming the page. I did not uncheck the box that creates a permanent redirect. So now, anytime a person attempts to navigate to the “login” page via a link it forces a redirect to the signup page. Is there a way to remove the redirect?
Thank you.
Interestingly, the issue does not happen here, with the share preview. But it does here, with the actual site. On the main domain, If you click the login nav button, it will take you to signup instead.
The answer was identified. All redirects created in the designer can be found under the hosting tab of the project settings. I deleted it there, and the issue was resolved.
Republish your site. Make sure to republish your site after changing Webflow redirects.
Browser cache. Browsers cache HTTP response headers, including redirects. Can be quite a pain. In Chrome, you might be able to type the URL, and then CTRL+ENTER to load it without using the cached content. Try various ways of forcing a page refresh- if all else fails, clear your browser cache.