While working on my website, I’ve been using the publish feature to see how it looks on different devices. It currently has “made in webflow” displayed very prominently. How can I remove that when I export to my own hosting plan. I am paying for a core worksite plan. I paid extra money so I could export, but will it be branded? Looking at the workspace plan for core, I don’t see that sites will be branded. So I hope I’m missing something. Fingers crossed. I was recently laid off and can’t afford a higher monthly fee. And having “Made in Webflow” on my site looks very unprofessional. Thanks.
Please check your site settings. In the General Tab, there is a section called Webflow Branding which allows you to turn off the “Made In Webflow” badge.
Hi. I haven’t yet because I’m still tweaking the site. Do you have the core workspace? I know you can remove it if you have the expensive $49 month plan, but that is out of my budget.
It does not let me turn it off under settings in the core workspace. But maybe it will not be there upon export…
You don’t need to. You’re on CORE already, so just export your site and have a look. There is no badge on the exported site even if you have the Made in Webflow option turned ON in settings.
And that makes sense, it would be far too easy to remove anyway.