Remove Collection Slug from URL

Hi, My client wants to provide a shorter URL for marketing their insurers landing pages which are created by a “landing page” collection based on

The want to go from this:

to this:

Since “” does not exist I could not set up on 301 redirects. Should I tell client this is not possible or that they need to handle this at the domain level?

Here is an example page:

Thanks, Susan

That’s not possible with Webflow hosting. The only way is to manually create a static page under the root.

Thank you very much! Maybe we can do this at the DNS level.

I’m building a new website in Webflow for my client, but on their old site all their blog posts were placed in root and didn’t have a slug in the URL. Does anyone know if it will affect the SEO when the url goes from{publication name} to{publication name} ?

Much apreciated!

Not if you use 301 redirects in your project settings under ‘hosting’.