How to bulk redirect a CMS collection to root domain?

How to bulk redirect a CMS collection to root domain?
for example:
old URL: folder/CMS-URL/slug-1
New URL: just the main landing page /index.html

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Is this a Webflow hosted site, or are you hosting it externally?
Your mention of /index.html is unusual, so I have to ask.
If you’re hosting externally, you need to look into your hosting stack for your redirect options, e.g. .htaccess files, etc.

If you’re hosting on Webflow and the collection has been deleted or given a different slug name, you can just use Webflow’s wildcard redirects.

Thanks for the reply. I actually just want to redirect complete cms collection URLs to my landing page. It doesn’t have to be /index.html

I am hosting on Webflow.
Note: I will delete a cms collection and want to redirect all pages to the root.

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