I’m building a site where I’m trying to allow people to fill out a form and have the results from that form generate a page on the website. Is this possible on webflow? I’m basically trying to do the same thing a CMS would do, but make it so that any visitor to the site can enter data, like a form.
Basically I’m building a site where people can post events and volunteer opportunities within their communities. I want anyone to be able to visit the site and be able to submit an event. If they have to “log in” that’s ok too, but I’m just not sure if this kind of back-end system is possible within webflow.
Is there way to do what I’m asking here? If I’m asking in the wrong subforum too, I’d appreciate direction to the right one
Thank you!!
Edit: I see that this person is releasing the ability for people to create accounts within a webflow site soon. Could I combine that with the ability for logged in users to “submit” content through a CMS somehow? That would then populate new pages on the site?