Problems with DNS

Hi I’m having problems with DNS, evethying is fine but when it comes to CNAME with doen’t work, can you help me with that?

It looks like you’re using Cloudflare. In order to use Webflow with Cloudflare, make sure to set your records to DNS Only by clicking the “orange cloud” icon next to each record in your DNS settings.

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Hi, so it didn’t work, evething looks ok but the site still not in the air

As Joe said, make certain the proxy setting is “DNS only” ( no orange clouds, they should be gray ).

If you’ve done that, the only other situation I’ve seen that can interfere with publishing is when DNSSEC is enabled on the domain name. You may need to disable that in your registrar. Google Domains often sets this automatically.

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It’s live for me. I can access it