Problems scrolling on Android phone


I have just designed my 1st website and everything works great apart from a andriod phone i cannot get site to scroll up or down even though i have tried to hide the overflow on each section.

Does anyone know how to get around this or had a problem before?



Here is my site Read-Only: Share a read-only link | Webflow University

Did you by mistake applied overflow:hidden on the body?

yes i do believe i did

There’s your problem :smiley:

Thats just bloody marvelous thank you so very much.

Cant get the hamburger menu working now

Can you give us a link to your site?

Or share the project as a read only link: Share a read-only link | Webflow University

Can’t really identify the problem unless we see what you’re looking at.

Hi Modii

the menu seems to go on for everbut at least got it showing . just need to know how to shorten it.

The easiest fix for this would be to make the nav menu (which you’ve made into a symbol called “navbar engineered”) have a max-height on tablet screens and smaller. I set the max-height to 550px and that seems to be working fine.

Here are some screenshots:

Hopefully this helps you :smiley:

You guys are amazing mant thanks. so happy now

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Ok client just come back as said desktop view on an andriod phone doesnt scroll. i have hidden overview on all arears of the home page and yet still doesnt scroll.

On tablet and landscape view you have body set to “overflow:hidden”

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