Prime Grill bbq website

Hey guys! I am just about to finish this website for a bbq place. Would be happy to have your feedback!



I like it. No top nav for section navigation?

OnHover menu items the text disappears. But comes back quickly after one second or so. Intended that way?


thanks for your message Martin, didn’t have time to make the nav yet but yes there will be one.
Thanks for pointing the hover thing, I forget the interactions that way

I’m hungry for some carne now. good job!

Looks tasty good, Nice job :smile:

Nice. Two reasons why I like this.
One: Its big and bold.
Two: Brazilian and Argentine cuts of Beef.

It absolutely needs a navigation menu however. Also, text wonks out on responsive in some places.
Good job!

Awesome! Makes me hungry too. Drooooool…

Thanks for the feedback guys! Just add a nice gif animation - call to action

Good job, nice pics, did you take them yourself?

Looks great!
the background is very annoying. I would make it 3-4 images with a smooth transition.

The gif was made by me and all other pictures are from primegrill marketing.

You mean the hero section? The gif image?

yes, the parts with a lot of white like whenh the knife comes in, and it gets darker, it’s flickering…
the meat is great :smile: but it’s not that good especially when you try to read the logo.

other than that it looks great.