Post Request Validation Failure "Field not described in schema"


I am facing this 400 Validation Error when trying to create a live item through the API:

This is the Schema in Webflow CMS:
The problem is that the field names in the POST request are the same as in the CMS, so I am not sure why the response returns “Field not described in schema” errors

This is the post request:

I would appreciate your help!

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Just to double check: you didn’t literally pass “<collection_id>” to the POST url, right?

Assuming you did pass the valid collection id (e.g. 6079c6fdaf1a1758367a8ceb), then my guess is that you didn’t publish the site since you added those CMS fields. Publish the site and try again.

Hi Marc,
Thanks for your help

I used the proper collection ID and we tested before and after publishing, no difference. :frowning_face:

Hey @MatthewSpiegelhalter :wave:

I responded to your support conversation as well, but wanted to cross post here for anyone else running into a similar issue.

It looks like you may have updated your CMS Collection Field names at some time. The API will continue to use the original field name even if you have changed it. Doing a Get All Items for a Collection API call will return all of the original field slugs that you should use.

Let me know if you have any other questions.



Can also confirm, had to hit the API to find this out even though Make (Integromat) was showing that the item had a different schema than the original name.

Hi. I don’t believe I understand the solution here…

I also made a change to the collection items through the collection settings and I am getting the validation error just the same.

I hit the get API endpoint as explained in the “Solution” and I see that the slugs for the fields are exactly the ones I am using, however I am still getting the error. Maybe there is something I am not understanding here:

The operation failed with an error. [400] ValidationError: Validation Failure Field not described in schema: hot-tub Field not described in schema: bbq-grill Field not described in schema: free-parking Field not described in schema: swimming-pool Field not described in schema: air-conditioning Field not described in schema: indoor-fireplace
      "name": "SWIMMING POOL",
      "slug": "swimming-pool",
      "type": "Bool",
      "required": false,
      "editable": true,
      "helpText": "Does this villa have the SWIMMING POOL amenity?",
      "id": "4c886db80a7e3234caa3d5f851ae30ea"
      "name": "BBQ GRILL",
      "slug": "bbq-grill",
      "type": "Bool",
      "required": false,
      "editable": true,
      "helpText": "Does this villa have the BBQ GRILL amenity?",
      "id": "200f2afc90dd187b3dc4804efa3c8da3"
      "name": "INDOOR FIREPLACE",
      "slug": "indoor-fireplace",
      "type": "Bool",
      "required": false,
      "editable": true,
      "helpText": "Does this villa have the INDOOR FIREPLACE amenity?",
      "id": "ff17b3714feee136bef3a25348768ff2"
      "name": "AIR CONDITIONING",
      "slug": "air-conditioning",
      "type": "Bool",
      "required": false,
      "editable": true,
      "helpText": "Does this villa have the AIR CONDITIONING amenity?",
      "id": "34945a53d8a49a337add157110587ecc"
      "name": "FREE PARKING",
      "slug": "free-parking",
      "type": "Bool",
      "required": false,
      "editable": true,
      "helpText": "Does this villa have the FREE PARKING amenity?",
      "id": "b705ba9cd51857cb117ddeb5bbf1b3c3"
      "name": "HOT TUB",
      "slug": "hot-tub",
      "type": "Bool",
      "required": false,
      "editable": true,
      "helpText": "Does this villa have the HOT TUB amenity?",
      "id": "e168a9ce2ef35eb5a73eb822a70235d2"

Running into the same issue here. Would you be so kind as to let me know how you solved it? Thanks!

This is what I needed!!!

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Sorry, I haven’t replied to this in so long. The simple answer is to a ‘Get an Item’ request. Put in the Collection ID and Item ID. When you have the response, it will contain the original key value pair name you need.