Play button overlays bg video poster image on iOS

hey guys, i have a video bg on a website i’m about to finish, it was working just fine yesterday, i din’t move anything and today when i was testing the mobile version a weird play button just appear on mobile safari (index and blog section)

can you tell me how to take out this?

Hi @sanshiro, thanks for the post, strange for sure, I am checking. One thing, the bg video poster image seems to be ok:

I am checking further and will report as soon as there is new info.

i know, but why the button just appear? O.o

Hi @sanshiro, thanks, well I do not know the root cause, but I have been able to reproduce the issue on a blank site. As soon as I have more information about a fix for this, I will respond with an update.

Thanks for the report, it really helps.

well, yesterday it was ok and i didn’t move anything from those sections with video O.o i hope you can help bro

Hi @sanshiro, thanks, it is not you specifically having the issue and you did not do anything wrong at all, I can reproduce with another video, another site, so it is not site specific.

I promise to get back as soon as I have an update. Thanks again.

Hi @sanshiro, while the issue is open with the play button, I was doing some checking and there is a workaround, you can paste the following code into the head of your site or in page settings in custom code section:

video::-webkit-media-controls-start-playback-button {
  display: none;

Like so:

Then republish the site and refresh site on iPhone.

Thanks in advance.

i do that, not working

Hi @sanshiro, at least on my end it is now showing without the play button.

It might be some phone browser cache, can you refresh a few times? what iphone model?

jummm 7s +, thats weird, i delete my cache and stuff, still not working here O.o

Hi @sanshiro

We just pushed a fix for this issue :tada: . Can you refresh the designer, republish and check to see if the issue is resolved?

​Thanks in advance!

:slight_smile: can i have some discount for find the bug?

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