Photo rotate bug (on its own after changes are saved)

Hi everyone, I’ve been having this problem for a while and I don’t know what to do about it.
My website is mostly pictures and sometimes one of them would rotate on its own (vertical to horizontal) after the changes are saved. I’ve tried deleting & reuploading, setting Max H for the pictures, both do not work. It reverts to normal everytime a change is made. It’s possible that the files are simply too large?

Has anyone had the same issue? I’m not sure what to do about it, would really appreciate any help

Here is my site Read-Only: Design Responsive Websites - Webflow


That does seem like something that’s not meant to happen.

Can you please provide your site’s read-only link? Here is a helpful tutorial that explains how to share a project’s read-only link.

Screenshots and screen recordings might also help us get to the bottom of this issue more quickly. Here are some great free tools for screenshots and screen recordings:

HI @Long this is common issue some people have you can find solution here →

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