Page speed is extremely low

Hi everyone. I am new to webflow and have no coding skills. My website takes a lot to charge and users can not navigate properly. It seems like the main issue is with the navbar and the text in the main video, specially on mobile. I did a test in pagespeed insights but I do not know how to eliminate Javascript. Can someone help me? I would really appreciate it. Thank you very much.

Read only link:

Hey @alexmendeeez !

It looks like you might just need to compress your image and video files :slightly_smiling_face:

This is my favourite video compressor: VEED - Create, Edit & Share Videos Online for free

And this is an image compressor I like:

If you do this for all of your images and videos it should help with your page speed.

Hi Clark, thank you so much for your recommendation. The video compressor was really useful, but the website did not improve. It takes a lot to charge the navbar and the titles and text of the first video. the pagespeed score is 27 (even lower)

Glad to hear the video compressor was useful :slightly_smiling_face:

Would you mind sharing the published link to your site so I could take a closer look?

do you mean ? Again, thank you

Hi @alexmendeeez,

As @clarksaxby mentioned the majority of load time is coming from the videos - you’re loading about 27MB of video on the homepage:

Regarding the navbar, the delay in loading time is in part due to the interaction. Because you’ve set the nav bar to come in ‘After page loads’ it means that everything on the page needs to be loaded before this interaction is triggered.

You could set up another Page Load interaction and set the ‘[Homepage] Load In’ interaction to trigger ‘When page starts loading’ like so:

CleanShot 2022-07-26 at 10.22.10@2x

(This won’t fix the Pagespeed score but will look smoother)

That being said, here are a list of things you can do to improve your sites performance:

  1. Delete unused styles (example screenshot)
  2. Removing Unused Interactions
  3. Delete unused Symbols
  4. Minification of HTML, CSS, JS
  5. Delete any unused images from the asset manager
  6. Delete any unused Pages
  7. Delete unused Collections
  8. Reduce the amount of interactions/number of styles being used through out elements/each page
  9. Reduce the size/optimize your images. Here are a few free image optimizing tools: TinyJPG and TinyPNG

Hope this helps!


Wow @mww, you don´t understand how helpful this was. Honestly, you´ve made my week, I really aprecciate it.