Open Graph image saves, but isn't updating on other sites

I updated my Open Graph image for my Home page a couple of weeks ago, but when I’m sending messages on LinkedIn, it’s still displaying the old image (which is a Business Insider logo). My new image shows up as being saved properly in my settings, I’m not sure why it’s not updating on other websites. Any tips?

Here is my site Read-Only:

I have the same issue. Have you solved this in any way?

@mariusdobre What’s your published site URL?

@ReporterOutreach Your message is old, but I tool a look anyway to see if you’re still having issues. I found your site here.

Your og:image looks a bit undersized. You want a minimum of 1200px x 630px with an aspect ratio of 1:91:1. If your image is too small, many services won’t show it to meet their desired quality guidelines. Facebook doesn’t want to risk anything blurry.

You can see here that your current image doesn’t appear on many services.

For you, you’ll just want to create & upload the right-size image and then refresh all of the sharing debuggers.

You can find those links on my seo notes page here;