I have set an open graph image on a website that I have built and I can’t get it to appear on some social platforms.
I have followed all instructions I can find on webflow and on older posts here.
I have inspected the url with https://metatags.io/ and all available post inspectors from these platforms, like the LinkedIn one.
Everything returns results that it should be working, but when I try to post something I just see this small preview
Add Open Graph tags to specify image dimensions in your Site settings > Custom code tab > Head code section.
If the preview still doesn’t appear, try removing and re-adding the link in your post, as this issue often occurs when a page is shared for the first time.
Hopefully this helps! If you still need assistance, please reply here so somebody from the community can help.
3rd party inspectors aren’t always smart about platform requirements and limitations. You’ll have to research each of them and test them manually to see what works best for the platforms you care about.
Main things to check are;
image format ( JPEG or WEBP should be ok, some platforms do not support AVIF ).