Objects randomly disappearing on mobile ?!

hello webflowers.
at the bottom of my page you can see these 3 round “cards”
they have a flip effect. on desktop its working perfectly but on mobile they are behaving really weird - sometimes disappearing with no reason, sometimes not.

ah the issue is only on the published live site! not in the preview mode.

i’m not getting it. working on this for days now.
thanks in advance for any help!


Here is my public share link:

Here is my life website:

Hmm, that’s weird! The published site works fine on desktop browsers sized to mobile, but not on my iPhone (multiple browsers). When I flip one circle, then flip another, the first one disappears. Maybe this is a bug. @rileyrichter

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exactly! same here!

it’s so weird…


could somebody from the @WebflowCommunityTeam look upon this, because it seems like a bug, because we cant find any mistake…

Hi @danyalxy did the issue get resolved? If not, please email support@webflow.com. Thank you!

no not really i just went on doing other things because i wasnt able to solve it.
okay thanks will contact you via email!

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