Hello, I am making a portfolio website but I want it to also function as an online database of my on going thoughts / work. I really like webflow so far… and I can sense the immense capabilities of CMS however I believe there is some main point I am missing on how to really unlock its potential…
My main inspiration / reference is www.OMA.eu
My own website is www.philwilson.ca
Essentially I want the webpage to feel like a newspaper but in website (mobile) form… content is highly curated at first glance the user can see an over view of what my effort / work is all about … but if they choose to they can spiral down the rabbit hole into my half baked ideas and projects / words etc.
I want to have the WORK page first as a curated “features” page but allow one to filter different content as a sort of live search…
My main issue here is that I don’t understand how my CMS forms / entries can be translated to create sort of “project page” filling it with content… after the basic content is filled from the CMS form (allowing filtering and such) how can I then add additional content…
Is it possible to make new CMS entries and have pages created automatically from them following a format? which I can later add to the bottom of?
after the basic content is filled from the CMS form (allowing filtering and such) how can I then add additional content…
Content can be added by creating a new collection item within the Designer, or within the Editor—however the latter is reserved for other collaborators who don’t have access to the Designer like you do. Essentially the same way you add content initially is how you would add future content going forward.
Is it possible to make new CMS entries and have pages created automatically from them following a format?
Collection content will be displayed in a list anywhere you add a collection list element tied to that specific collection—this can be any page on the site. Each time you create a collection, you’ll also notice a collection page is added in your page list (shown in purple) and this is used to dynamically display content related to individual collection items—so you’d build out a “template” that each item can populate and act as a detail page of sorts that users can click into from the collection list.
There isn’t a way to dynamically create pages for the content you add, but by planning your pages ahead of time and using collection lists to tie that dynamic content to them, you can have your CMS content automatically populated on those pages.
Hopefully that helps, but feel free to let me know if you have any other questions