New release of Express vpn blocking all animations on webflow sites

About two weeks ago Express VPN released a new update, and I realized that all of the animations on my site, and several other webflow sites that I researched were completely inactive. I reached out to Express VPN and they asked me to turn off the ad blocker options, and to change from their default “recommended” protocol. When I did this, and when I turn off the VPN in general, all of the animations go back to working as intended. Express VPN said that they will monitor the issue, but gave no solutions on how to solve this issue. Has anyone found a solution around this? Or if there is a way to sniff if someone is coming in with Express VPN and serve them a gate to turn off their vpn to enter the site, or any other solution?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hey Jill, I find this whole space fascinating.

The main reason is that I’m seeing a lot of router companies deploying default anti-virus configs that use VPNs, so it’s getting weird out there. A user has a problem on your site and it’s very difficult to trace.

I’ve seen a number of situations where users cannot access a site at all due to SSL errors, I’m assuming due to bad VPN caching practices.

It’s been on my research list for awhile, and I’ve been pondering what detection features I can add to SA5 to help Webflow devs respond to VPN and ad blocker problems.

What’s your site? I’m interested to see if I can identify why animations are failing. Please also forward the non-standard configuration that Express recommended.

The most common way to identify VPNs is by checking IPs and ASN’s against a database of known VPNs. I haven’t investigated deeply but it looks like IPInfo supports this and can report it in the response.

I’ll do some writeups if I can find more info.

Hey Michael,

Thanks for getting back to me. Here are some links that were made in webflow, including my own. When I tested with the Express VPN on the default protocol (which is actually always changing according to the Express VPN agent that I spoke with). Now, when using my iphone with built in vpn turned on, this doesn’t happen, it’s only with Express VPN that I’m aware of, but I also someone post about this issue with their own VPN called Windscribe.

Simple Snap Scroll with FullPage.js

Well, that’s very interesting.

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Thanks so much for this, I appreciate the time you took to illustrate where the problems are happening with jquery failing, and I’ll certainly be back in communication with Express VPN with this video breakdown. The last time I attempted to tell them that they had a significant bug, and needed a ticket to be inspected, they refused and told me that they don’t think this is a bug, but they’ll monitor the issue. They said that they didn’t test the new release on “all types of websites”, and so hopefully this will help them understand this needs to be a ticket because, as you said, it is breaking the internet! ;)

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I’ve notified the Webflow team as well, so hopefully they’ll reach out to Express and get it resolved.

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I am experiencing the same issue. What I have discovered is that the content will not load if Express VPN is turned on when the client first visits the site. If it is turned off, they can see the content. Additionally, if they had previously visited the site, and turn on the Express VPN, the content now loads.

That could happen if jQuery is cached locally at that point, or if they’ve reconfigured it to disable the “block malicious sites” feature.