Need help giving member access to only 1 site in workspace

Hello all, I am struggling to figure out a solution here. I currently have just hired a designer for a new project. I have a 2 seat freelancer workspace in Webflow. I want this designer to work on only this one website, and not have access to my other sites.

I am not sure how to set this permissions in the platform, and I don’t want to create a separate Webflow account yet for my client because then they would have to pay for hosting before the site is even completed.

Can anyone assist here? Surely it should be simple, but perhaps I am overlooking it. Thank you!

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Having the same issue - did you figure it out?

Hi @vslview Webflow are currently working on this to separate site access to guests within a single Workspace.

For now you will have to create a new Workspace and transfer that site to it. This isn’t ideal as means paying for another workspace plan but at least it prevents an outside designer from accessing your other projects. Please note that when transferring the site to a new workspace, the current site hosting (if any) does not transfer with it so will need downgrading and then re-applying once moved.

Was this ever resolved?

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Has this ever been resolved? We’re often coming up against the same issue. e.g. our client’s CRM agency needs access to the site and we don’t want them to have access to all our sites.

Yes. Webflow added the ability to restrict the sites and access rights a guest has, as long as the workspace inviting them is Growth, Agency, or Enterprise.

On my agency account, the invite guest dialog looks like this;


The site role options include-


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