I have several CMS Collection pages. I assumed they all showed up when I added new CMS collection types. For example, I have:
- News Posts Template (Shows an individual news article)
- News Categories Template (Shows a list of news articles)
In CMS Collections, I have “News Posts” and “News Categories.” The “News Categories” collection contains two categories:
- News
- Health tips
When I create a new collection type (for “Events”) a new CMS Collection page shows up for “Events.” But none shows up for “Events categories template.” I’d like that. And I’d like the template to be in the same format as the News Categories template.
Is there a way to duplicate CMS Collection template pages? It would be a pain to have to recreate everything in a new one.
Also, I’m confused why the News Categories template has an item switcher at the top for “News” and “Health tips”. When I temporarily added a reference to “Events” in the News Categories Collection, it does not create a page listing all events.