I’m trying to solve this issue for a long time now and I hope you can easily help me. I have this Navbar Menu that open on Mobile after clicking on the hamburger on the top-left corner. Everything works fine when I open the menu on static page that have height:100vh and with:100%, but when I open the menu on some pages have a long scroll the social icons at the bottom doesn’t show up and the elements doesn’t remain fixed to the top.
I can’t replicate what your video shows. Can you try getting rid of flex box so it just displays the links in order? You can then also make the menu position relative and position the icons at the bottom with absolute positioning.
Hi @DFink and thanks for the quick reply. I tried to follow your instructions but seems like nothing change and the menu button don’t cover the full viewport.
I would probably recommend a while page is scrolling interaction to open and close the menu or use a when scrolled into view for some section to trigger the timed animation that targets the menu.
I might not be completely understanding the issue, but the menu looks fixed to me already, however the ios menu bar resizes, that is typical ios behavior.
Hello @cyberdave and thanks for your reply. You can’t see the issue because is fixed right now. I’ve discovered that it’s a recurring mistake with menus taking the full viewport.