My nav menu (in mobile view) opens on one page but not in another. I’m not sure whether it’s really a bug or my own mistake. But I’ve attached a gif so to show the problem better. Any ideas on how to solve this?
Hey there! Did you resolve this yourself or is the issue still occurring? The menu works as expected in the Designer on my end — I can open it by clicking “Open Menu” in the Style Panel.
Unfortunately no, the problem still persists. Clicking the “Open Menu” in Home -page works normally but not in the Guide to Finland -page. It’s the same problem whether I use Safari or Chrome.
Actually, clicking “Open Menu” nor “Menu type” does nothing. This is quite odd.
I took a crack at this. I did see multiple menus showing in here. Maybe that is the reason. However, in preview mode it does work. Im sure you noticed that.
Your issue is that the branding (image and hamburger icon) and the nav menu are overlapping due to being positioned relative. If you don’t want to redo your menu, a quick and dirty fix could be setting a padding-top on the nav menu.
The exact pixel height can be difficult, as your bar does not have a definitive, but computed height!
Thanks for your fast reply @RDaneelOliwav! Hmm so what is the proper setting for this, that will work? Or maybe should I just create a new navbar? btw it worked before, I set the menu bar as a sticky yesterday, and then this problem appeared.