Nav bar links only working on Home page + links jumping on mobile

Hi there,

I bought a Webflow template (my first time using Webflow) that I started modifying and I have some nav bar-related issues.

The links seem to be working fine on my home page in the preview, until at some point when they all start sending me to 404s. On all other (project) pages, the links just don’t work at all. I have had this problem some days ago and it seemed to be because of some conflicting interractions, which I then removed.

On mobile, the links in the dropdown menu seem to be jumping around when being clicked.

I checked the other posts on the topic and I still didn’t manage to figure it out. Please help?..

Here is my site Read-Only

Assign the section which you want the link to scroll to with an ID. It’s on the right-side panel under Settings.

And then in Link settings select the ID of the section.

Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 21.05.08

Thank you so much for your answer! I realise now I was linking to type: links, instead of type: section. I changed them but the problems persist. Do you have any more ideas how I can fix this?
My read-only link

It’s working on my end. Did you manage to resolve the issue?

no, not yet. Is it working also on other pages? for me it keeps working only on the home page.

On other pages you need to put a / before the URL. When you test this try it on the published site and not the preview.

Oh that explains a lot. Thank you su much!